Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Do you desire to live successfully?

Do you think it is possible to live an abundant, successful life? I am sure, a lot of people wonder about this. It is possible to live successfully, even in these difficult times.

How to do that is down the path of righteousness. In order to avoid tragedies and the hazards of life, we must desire to follow a righteous path.

I know, this may be difficult to accept, but, I have decided that the other paths all lead to much trouble and unhappiness. I was sure that there was a better way to live--a way to live in abundance and bliss.

The power to find and to have a better life is within you. I am not saying that it is easy! But, I am saying that it is worth it because my life is more full and complete than following all those other paths that lead to much sorrow.

Steps to Success:
1. Make a decision, right now, that you want a better life, and that you will do whatever it takes to get it.
2. In order to get different results, you must do things differently.
3. Change the way you act, talk, and think to the positive.
4. Remove all negatives from your life--this means stay away from negative people too because the company you keep influences how you live.
5. Always keep trying to be positive--never give up or give in to negativeness.
6. Live your life in service to others. Giving of your time and energy means more than you know.
7. Soon, you will be enjoying the abundant life!

I wish you much success!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

What is successful living?

You have probably wondered a lot about how to become successful in life. I know, I have. It depends on your perspective of successful. I have had many opportunities at various stages of life to choose what I wanted out of life at that time. I think, that's the key.

Think about your greatest desire. What do you want? What will make you excited about living? Once you've figured that out, you're half way there! Formulate a plan as to how you might accomplish this dream of yours. Always think that there is a way. Keep on it, and don't give up until you get it! Even when things seemingly go "wrong", there's always a silver lining---something good will come from it.

I used to think getting material things would make me happy and satisfied, but after I got them, I didn't need them anymore. I've found that being successful, for me, is helping others. There are people who need my help such as, the elderly or ill neighbor, or the shutins.

Successful, to me, is the quality of living-not the quantity of material things. I am hoping to find others with similar views out there. I know you are out there. I can sense that there are a lot of selfless people who are caring, kind, and loving. We need more of you in this world!